Terms and Conditions

Upskill yourself and your team to discover, improve and communicate your sustainable impact in as little as 15 minutes.

Upskill yourself and your team to discover, improve and communicate your sustainable impact in as little as 15 minutes.


LAST REVISED ON: 18 December 2023


1.1 The website located at www.acceleratingaction.com (the “Website”) is a copyrighted work

belonging to Accelerating Action Ltd (“Company”, “us”, “our”, and “we”).

1.2 These terms and conditions, together with the documents referred to in them (the "Terms")

govern your access to and use of the Website, whether as a guest or a registered user.

Use of our Website includes accessing, browsing, or registering to use our Website.

1.3 The following additional terms, which are incorporated by reference into these Terms, also

apply to your use of our Website:

(a) Our Privacy Policy, which sets out the terms on which we process any personal

data we collect from you, or that you provide to us; and

(b) Our Cookie Policy, which sets out information about the cookies on our Website.

1.4By accessing or using our Website, you acknowledge and agree to be bound by these

Terms, and you represent and warrant that you have the right, authority, and capacity to

enter into these Terms. If you do not agree to all the provisions of these Terms, you must

not access or use our Website.


2.1 The Website is a site operated by the Company. We are registered in the Republic of

Ireland under company number 753761 and have our registered office at 9 Castle Row,

Ballina, Co. Mayo, Ireland F26 KD4F.

2.2 We are a limited company.


We may amend these Terms from time to time by amending this page. Every time you wish

to use our Website, please check this page to take note of any changes we have made.

You are responsible at all times for complying with the current version of these Terms.


4.1 Our Website is made available free of charge. We reserve the right at any time in the future

to charge for use of our Website.

4.2 We do not guarantee that our Website, or any content in it, will always be available or


4.3 We reserve the right (in our sole discretion) to suspend, discontinue or restrict the

availability of the Website (or part thereof) for any reason or no reason at all. We will try to

give you reasonable notice of any such suspension, discontinuation or restriction. You

agree that the Company will not be liable to you or to any third party for any suspension,

discontinuation or restriction of the Website or any part thereof.

4.4 We do not guarantee that our Website, or any content in it, will always be free from errors

or omissions. We reserve the right (in our sole discretion) from time to time to change the Website for any reason or no reason at all. We will try to give you reasonable notice of any

major changes. Your continued use of the Website following the posting of any changes to

these Terms constitutes acceptance of those changes. You agree that the Company will

not be liable to you or to any third party for any change to the Website or any part thereof.

4.5 You acknowledge and agree that the Company will have no obligation to provide you with

any support or maintenance in connection with the Website.

4.6 You are responsible for making all arrangements necessary for you to have access to our

Website. You are also responsible for ensuring that all persons who access our Website

through your internet connection are aware of these Terms and that they comply with them.


5.1 In order to use certain features of the Website, you must register for an account

("Account") and provide certain information about yourself as prompted by the account

registration form. You represent and warrant that: (a) all required registration information

you submit is truthful and accurate; and (b) you will maintain the accuracy of such

information. You may delete your Account at any time, for any reason, by following the

instructions on the Website.

5.2 These Terms will remain in full force and effect while you use the Website. We may

suspend or terminate your rights to use the Website (including your Account) at any time

for any reason at our sole discretion, including for any use of the Website in violation of

these Terms. Upon termination of your rights under these Terms, your Account and right to

access and use the Website will terminate immediately. You agree that any termination of

your Account may involve deletion of your user content associated with your Account from

our live databases. The Company will have no liability whatsoever to you for any

termination of your rights under these Terms, including for termination of your Account or

deletion of your user content.

5.3 You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your Account login information

and are fully responsible for all activities that occur under your Account. You agree to

immediately notify the Company of any unauthorised use, or suspected unauthorised use

of your Account or any other breach of security. The Company cannot and will not be liable

for any loss or damage arising from your failure to comply with the above requirements.


6.1 You acknowledge and agree that we are the sole owner or the licensee of all intellectual

property rights (including copyright and database rights) in our Website, and in all the

content published on it and any selection or arrangement of such content. Those works are

protected by copyright laws and treaties around the world. All rights not expressly granted

to you under these Terms are reserved by us (and/or our licensors).

6.2 We hereby grant you a personal, limited, non-exclusive, revocable, non-sub licensable and

non-transferable right to access and use our Website for your own personal, domestic,

non-business purposes.

6.3You will not:

(a) modify the paper or digital copies of any materials you have printed off or

downloaded in any way, and you must not use any illustrations, photographs,

video or audio sequences or any graphics separately from any accompanying

text; and

(b) use any part of the content on our Website for commercial purposes without

obtaining a licence to do so from us or our licensors.

6.4 If you breach paragraph 6 of these Terms, your right to use our Website will cease

immediately and you must, at our option, return or destroy any copies of the materials that

you have made.


7.1 Whenever you make use of a feature that allows you to upload content to our Website, or

to make contact with other users of our Website, you must comply with the following terms

which constitute our "Acceptable Use Policy":

(a)You agree not to use the Website to collect, upload, transmit, display, or distribute

any user content: (i) that violates any third-party right, including any copyright,

trademark, patent, trade secret, moral right, privacy right, right of publicity, or any

other intellectual property or proprietary right; (ii) that is unlawful, harassing,

abusive, tortious, threatening, harmful, invasive of another's privacy, vulgar,

defamatory, false, intentionally misleading, trade libellous, pornographic,

obscene, patently offensive, promotes racism, bigotry, hatred, or physical harm of

any kind against any group or individual or is otherwise objectionable; (iii) that is

harmful to minors in any way; or (iv) that is in violation of any law, regulation, or

obligations or restrictions imposed by any third party; and

(b) You agree not to: (i) upload, transmit, or distribute to or through the Website any

computer viruses, worms, or any software intended to damage or alter a

computer system or data; (ii) send through the Website unsolicited or

unauthorised advertising, promotional materials, junk mail, spam, chain letters,

pyramid schemes, or any other form of duplicative or unsolicited messages,

whether commercial or otherwise; (iii) use the Website to harvest, collect, gather

or assemble information or data regarding other users, including e-mail

addresses, without their consent; (iv) interfere with, disrupt, or create an undue

burden on servers or networks connected to the Website, or violate the

regulations, policies or procedures of such networks; (v) attempt to gain

unauthorised access to the Website (or to other computer systems or networks

connected to or used together with the Website), whether through password

mining or any other means; (vi) harass or interfere with any other user's use and

enjoyment of the Website; or (vi) use software or automated agents or scripts to

produce multiple accounts on the Website, or to generate automated searches,

requests, or queries to (or to strip, scrape, or mine data from) the Website

(provided, however, that we conditionally grant to the operators of public search

engines revocable permission to use spiders to copy materials from the Website

for the sole purpose of and solely to the extent necessary for creating publicly

available searchable indices of the materials, but not caches or archives of such

materials, subject to the parameters set forth in our robots.txt file).

7.2 You shall have sole responsibility for and hereby warrant the accuracy, quality, integrity,

legality, non-infringement of any third party intellectual property rights, reliability and

appropriateness of all content or data which is uploaded to our Website. You shall

indemnify us for any breach of this warranty. [If you are a consumer user, this means you

will be responsible for any loss or damage we suffer as a result of your breach of warranty.]

We shall not be responsible, or liable to any third party, for the content posted by you or

any other user of our Website.

7.3 Any content you upload to our Website will be considered non-confidential and

non-proprietary. Save as otherwise specified in these Terms, all intellectual property rights

in the content you upload on our Website shall remain vested in you (or your relevantlicensors). You hereby grant us a perpetual, worldwide, royalty free, non-exclusive,

transferable licence to use, store, modify, copy, distribute, display, and prepare derivative

works of such content. You hereby warrant to us that you have the full requisite power and

authority to grant us such usage rights in the content you upload to our Website.

7.4 You shall be responsible for obtaining and maintaining all licences required for the use of

the content you upload to our Website, including payment of all associated licence fees

and other costs.

7.5 We have the right to disclose your identity to any third party who is claiming that any

content posted or uploaded by you to our Website constitutes a violation of their intellectual

property rights, or of their right to privacy.

7.6 We reserve the right (but have no obligation) to review any content you upload to our

Website, and to investigate and/or take appropriate action against you in our sole

discretion if you violate these Terms or otherwise create liability for us or any other person.

Such action may include removing or modifying such content, terminating your Account,

and/or reporting you to law enforcement authorities.

7.7 The views expressed by other users on our Website do not represent our views or values.

7.8 You are solely responsible for securing and backing up your content.


8.1 We shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused by a virus, bug, or other

technologically harmful material that may infect your computer equipment, programs, data

or other proprietary material due to your use of our Website or to your downloading of any

content on the Website, or on any website linked to our Website.

8.2 You are responsible for configuring your information technology, computer programs and

platform in order to access our Website. You should use your own virus protection



9.1 You may link to our home page, provided you do so in a way that is fair and legal and does

not damage our reputation or take advantage of it. We reserve the right to withdraw linking

permission without notice.

9.2 You must not establish a link in such a way as to suggest any form of association, approval

or endorsement on our part where none exists.

9.3You must not establish a link to our Website in any website that is not owned by you.

9.4 Our Website must not be framed on any other website, nor may you create a link to any

part of our Website other than the home page.

9.5 The website in which you are linking must comply in all aspects with our Acceptable Use


9.6 If you wish to make any use of content on our Website other than that set out above,

please contact tom@acceleratingaction.com10.THIRD PARTY LINKS AND RESOURCES IN OUR WEBSITE

10.1 Where our Website contains links to other websites and services and/or displays

advertisements of third parties:

(a) These links and advertisements are not under our control and are provided for

your convenience only. We do not review, approve, monitor, endorse, warrant, or

make any representations with respect to links and advertisements. You use all

links and advertisements at your own risk, and should apply a suitable level of

caution and discretion in doing so.

(b) When you click on any links and advertisements, the applicable third party’s

terms and policies apply, including the third party’s privacy and data gathering


10.2 You should make whatever investigation you feel necessary or appropriate before

proceeding with any transaction in connection with such links and advertisements. We

assume no responsibility for the content of such websites or resources and we will not be

liable for any loss or damage that may arise from your use of them.


11.1 The content on our Website is provided for general information purposes only. It is not

intended to amount to advice (of any nature) on which you should rely. You must obtain

professional or specialty advice before taking or refraining from any action on the basis of

the content on our Website.

11.2 We make reasonable commercial efforts to update the information on our Website.

However, we do not provide any representations, warranties or guarantees with respect to

the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content published on our



12.1 Whether you are a consumer or a business user nothing in these Terms shall be construed

as excluding or limiting our liability for: (i) death or personal injury caused by our

negligence or the negligence of our employees, agents or subcontractors; (ii) fraud or

fraudulent misrepresentation; or (iii) any liability which cannot be excluded or limited under

applicable law.

12.2 If you are a business user:

(a) We exclude all implied conditions, warranties, representations or other terms that

may apply to our site or any content on it; and

(b) We will not be liable to you for any loss or damage, whether in contract, tort

(including negligence), breach of statutory duty, or otherwise, even if foreseeable,

arising under or in connection with:


(I) use of, or inability to use, our Website; or

(ii) use of or reliance on any content displayed on our Website.

In particular, we will not be liable for:

(I) loss of profits, sales, business, or revenue;12.3

(ii) business interruption;

(iii) loss of anticipated savings;

(iv) loss of business opportunity, goodwill or reputation; or

(v) any indirect or consequential loss or damage.

If you are a consumer:

(a) We only provide our Website for domestic and private use. You agree not to use

our Website for any commercial or business purposes, and we have no liability to

you for any loss of profit, loss of business, business interruption, or loss of

business opportunity; and

(b) If defective digital content that we have supplied damages a device or digital

content belonging to you and this is caused by our failure to use reasonable care

and skill, we will either repair the damage or pay you compensation. However, we

will not be liable for damage that you could have avoided by following our advice

to apply an update offered to you free of charge or for damage that was caused

by you failing to correctly follow installation instructions or to have in place the

minimum system requirements advised by us.


14.1 These Terms, their subject matter and their formation (and any non-contractual disputes or

claims) are governed by the laws of the Republic of Ireland. We both hereby irrevocably

agree that the courts of the Republic of Ireland will have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any

dispute or claim that arises out of or in connection with these Terms or its subject matter or

formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims).

14.2 If any provision in these Terms is invalid, illegal or unenforceable, then it shall be deemed

modified to the minimum extent necessary to make it valid, legal and enforceable. If such

modification is not possible, the relevant provision shall be deemed deleted and the

remainder of these Terms shall remain in full force and effect.


To contact us, please email tom@acceleratingaction.com.

Upskill yourself and your team to discover, improve and communicate your sustainable impact in as little as 15 minutes.

Upskill yourself and your team to discover, improve and communicate your sustainable impact in as little as 15 minutes.

Empowering Sustainable Action. Measuring Real Impact.

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Empowering Sustainable Action. Measuring Real Impact.

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Empowering Sustainable Action. Measuring Real Impact.

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